lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013

Parts of the body

This is the list of words we have brainstormed and we should know for the exam and the spelling competition (remember we have written down the meanings already):

Ankle, arm, armpit, back, belly button, bottom, breast, calf, cheek, chest, chin, ears, elbow, eyebrow, eyelashes, eyelid, eyes, face, feet, finger, foot, forehead, hair, hand, head, heart, hip, knee, leg, lips, lungs, mouth, nail, neck, nose, shoulders, sole, stomach, teeth, thumb, toes, tongue, tooth, waist, wrist.
Size (tamaño): big (grande), small (pequeño), short (corto), long (larga)
Colour: brown, blue, green, black, blond (rubio)
Style (estilo): straight (liso), curly (rizado), wavy (ondulado)
Length (largura): long (largo),short (corto)
HAIR:  length + style  + colour + hair.                 Example: long wavy brown hair...
EYES: size + colour + eyes.                               Example: small green eyes...
BODY: adjective + part of the body.                   Example: long legs...